Hey there Beautiful Soul!

Are you feeling stuck in those painful, repetitive patterns that seem to hold you back? Are you longing for a life filled with self-empowerment, fulfillment, and the freedom to embrace your true potential?

Are you ready to access your soul’s original blueprint, reclaim ancient gifts, reconnect to your multidimensional self, and fully activate your highest potential?

You're not alone. I understand the frustrations and yearnings that accompany this journey, and I'm here to offer you both a friendly hand and expert guidance.

Hi I’m Li-Sann

I am an intuitive transformation coach, quantum energy healer, shaman, psychic channel, and creator of alchemical formulas and products.

I know how overwhelming it can be when you feel unfulfilled and stuck in those disheartening cycles. Trust me, I've been there too. But here's the good news: there is a way out, and I'm here to walk alongside you on this journey of self-empowerment and transformation.

Together, we'll embark on a path that leads to the discovery of your truest self, where you'll find the strength and confidence to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.

In our work together, I will get you unstuck and help you create the abundant, joyful, soul aligned life you desire.

You are here to have the life, happiness and freedom you deserve!

You’re here to show up as your most authentic, illuminated self and The World is waiting for you!

A Journey Of Discovery..

For Most Of My Life, I felt that the only way to prove my worth and get love was to over-achieve and over-give. So overachieving, over-giving, and over-compensating for the shortcoming of others became the three pillars I built my life on. All the while feeling stuck, numb, and confused. Trapped within an armor that kept me safe, but prevented others from even having a glimpse of the “real me”, that girl who just wanted to let the truth of my pain, fear, and exhaustion fall out.

But I was scared that I would say something wrong, afraid to have an opinion, afraid of being rejected.

The truth was, I had no idea how to speak my truth, what my authentic voice sounded like, and how to take a stand for myself.


Like so many of us, I was raised in a family and social culture where females should “be seen but not heard.” It was neither safe nor acceptable to speak up or to acknowledge whatever was hurting, especially if an adult was the source of the pain.

Like so many women, it took me years and many sleepless nights feeling burnt out, stuck and overwhelmed trying to do everything “right”, trying to "fix" myself, trying to be heard. I was constantly striving, and struggling, but I never stopped to consider if I was on the right path.

Then in the Summer of 1994 my whole life fell apart, and I became a homeless single mom.


An Alchemical Journey Of Death And Rebirth…

I asked for help for the first time in my life. I began to say "No" to things that were not aligned. I shared with trusted ones the painful things that I had locked away. I allowed them to hold me when I fell apart. I allowed them to reflect my gifts back to me.

That journey unfolded over years, beginning with a one-way ticket to Peru, where I sat in high ceremony, learned ancient indigenous medicine techniques and was initiated as a Quero Shaman medicine woman.

Later, I would dive deep into studies of Eastern cultures like Shiavite tantra, and Goddess embodiment practices, that honored the feminine and masculine within all of us, as well as ancient mysticism like Hermetic principles and the Qabbalah.

With the help of amazing teachers, guides and mentors, I went deep within and reconnected with my True Essence. I found the safety to remove my armor and allowed myself to be fully seen.

Letting the world see me was the biggest gift that I have ever given myself. I became aligned with the energies of reciprocity, truth, and freedom. And in my ability to be truly open, I gave others permission to do the same.

The inner turmoil that had long been my silent enemy became the calming, still waters that fed my Spirit, revitalized my Essence, and birthed a new Me into the world. I finally felt like a beloved and important member of the Planet.


The New me who emerged from the ashes of the old me, became even more present to the suffering and struggles of women everywhere, both within my client community and in the collective, even as I was integrating what I had learned and re-embodying streams of ancient wisdom that had spontaneously reactivated within me.

There was no looking away, and it became clear that my calling was to use my gifts and all I had learned to take the Mother Divine and Feminine Empowerment out of the power places and temples and into the mainstream collective.

My first step was to open a wellness center where women could come and be supported to step into their next level of transformation. This was a powerful project for me: I was truly stepping out for the first time, claiming my feminine knowing  and in the process, discovering my core truth.

With years of experience as an intuitive transformation coach, I've helped countless women just like you navigate the maze of frustration and reclaim their power. Through my extensive knowledge of quantum energy healing and shamanic practices, I offer powerful tools and techniques that tap into the depths of your being, unlocking the dormant potential within.

"Embrace Your Power. Transform Your Life."

My Mission

At the heart of my mission lies a profound commitment to your empowerment and liberation. I am here to ignite the flame of remembrance within you, guiding you back to the core of your being so that you may reclaim your birthright – a life of abundance, fulfillment, and purpose.

My purpose is to guide you as you journey into the depths of your soul, awakening the dormant wisdom and magic of your Divine Feminine essence. Together, we will unravel the layers of conditioning and limitation, unveiling the radiant truth of who you truly are. It's time to step boldly into your soul's highest calling, offering the world the unique gifts that only you possess.

With years of dedicated service as an intuitive transformation coach, I've walked alongside countless women on their path to empowerment. Drawing upon the ancient wisdom of quantum energy healing and shamanic practices, I offer you potent tools and techniques to navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery and unlock the boundless potential that lies within.

What sets my approach apart is my intimate connection to the higher dimensional realms and luminous beings of light. Through this sacred bond, I channel the wisdom and power of cosmic forces, infusing my work with divine guidance, sacred light codes, light language and cosmic intelligence. Additionally, my soul is deeply attuned to the alchemy of Ancient Egypt, where I draw upon its potent energies to craft unique alchemical Formulas of Life and Elixirs of Light products. These sacred elixirs, hailed as "the essence of The Creator in liquid form," serve as catalysts for your transformation, supporting your growth and amplifying your intentions with each sacred drop.

Infused with the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions and the raw potency of nature's alchemy, these offerings serve as potent reminders of your inherent connection to the cosmos and the magnificent transformation that awaits you. Together, let us embark on a journey of remembrance, liberation, and empowerment. It's time to reclaim your sovereignty and shine as the radiant being you were always meant to be.



I know for sure that you have a Divine mandate to fulfill and that the world has an urgent need for your gifts and full presence. Your unique gift is the key not just for the future of women and girls, but for shifting consciousness and planetary evolution..

I know for sure that Divine Feminine Empowerment is not necessarily something that needs to be learned, as much as it needs to be Remembered. In our work together, I will help you to activate the Remembrance of who you are.

I know for sure that you are worthy and deserve to have the soul aligned life that is your birthright, while bringing your gifts and immense wisdom to the table. In our work together, I will help you to stand in your power, bring life to your visions, speak your truth with authenticity, so the world can hear you. You will be lovingly supported and witnessed to align fully with and honor your soul’s highest calling, so that you can increase your impact in the world.

Official Bio

Li-Sann Mullings RN has dedicated nearly three decades to the holistic wellness industry, leaving an indelible mark as the visionary founder of The Temple Of Alchemy And Illumination. Renowned as the mastermind behind "Elumence: Sacred Alchemy Light Creations" products, Li-Sann is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual transformation and healing.

As a multifaceted spiritual luminary, Li-Sann embodies the roles of spiritual teacher, intuitive transformation coach, quantum energy healer, Shaman, mystic, and psychic channel. Her profound connection to the higher realms of intelligence and luminous beings empowers her to merge her innate gifts with their advanced tools and resources, including sacred geometry light codes and light language sounds, to catalyze profound and lasting transformations for her clients.

Featured in prestigious publications such as The Washingtonian Magazine, VoyageLA, ShoutOut LA, and Thrive Global, Li-Sann has garnered recognition for her unparalleled contributions to the field of holistic wellness. With an online practice serving a diverse international clientele, she has earned a reputation as "The light alchemist" and "energetic lightning," serving as the ultimate guide for those seeking solace and illumination on their healing journey.

Today, Li-Sann's mission as an intuitive transformation coach and quantum alchemist is laser-focused on empowering women to manifest abundant, joyful, and soul-aligned lives. By supporting them in stepping fully into their most authentic and empowered selves, she paves the way for future generations of women and girls to follow in their footsteps and leave an enduring legacy of empowerment.

Residing in Thousand Oaks, California, Li-Sann finds solace and inspiration amidst the tranquil beauty of nature. When she's not immersed in her transformative work, you can often find her practicing yoga, hosting sacred goddess tea ceremonies, or embarking on soul-nourishing hikes in the surrounding mountains.

Here’s How I Can Help:


Release Limiting Stories . Reclaim Your Power. Transform Your Life!

The Alchemy Of Transformation are 3, and 6 months, 1:1 coaching program designed to support Female entrepreneurs, seekers, and change makers to break free from painful repetitive patterns, reclaim deep authentic self love and trust to confidently create and have the life, happiness and freedom they desire. We will uncover the hidden wisdom in your challenges, to harness their transformative potential and create a life that is truly extraordinary.


Remember Your Truth. Live Your Purpose and Limitless Potential . Increase Your Impact!

Remembrance Alchemy is entering The Mystery School and multidimensional realms, for a Soul level evolutionary journey. Here we embark on a deeper dive within a 4, 6, 9 or 12 month 1:1 or group coaching program for female entrepreneurs,, visionaries, seekers and light workers to go from dreaming of, to stepping fully into their limitless potential, fulfilling their purpose, and making a bigger impact in the World. Our multidimensional level approach will assist you in unraveling the unique gifts and talents you possess, reclaim ancient superpowers, activate your deepest remembrance of yourself, and give you the confidence to share your unique soul aligned gifts fully with the World.


Recalibrate Your Mind, Body And Spirit. Elevate Your Consciousness. Unlock Your Inner Radiance!

With recalibration alchemy you tap into the power of ancient plant and sacred light codes alchemy for subtle body therapy and consciousness expansion, to embrace a journey of deep transformation and evolution. Our sublime collection of plant oils, crystal-charged, light codes activated, and sacred sound infused alchemical formulas, which has been called “the essence of The Creator in liquid form”, has been meticulously crafted to nurture your mind, body and spirit while elevating and expanding your consciousness.

Claim Your Free Gift:


‘The Empowered Entrepreneur's Roadmap to Self Confidence and Success"

Claim this gift and embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery as you uncover the secrets to unlocking your full potential. Through expertly curated exercises, thought-provoking prompts, and actionable steps, this workbook takes you on a transformative journey, guiding you towards a harmonious blend of ambition, self-care, and genuine fulfillment.

Unleash your inner brilliance as you navigate the empowering pages of this roadmap!