Transcendence Alchemy

Unleash Your Sacred Power, Transform Your Life

Is there a tiny spark of inner “knowing” that has burst forth into a lightbulb moment for you?

You’ve always felt that you didn't quite fit in, even though you tried.
You’ve always been the "anti" to the status quo.
Deep in your heart you’ve come to acknowledge that you’re different, that you have a special purpose for being here.
You want to feel congruent in all areas of your life, and have the level of impact that you’re capable of.


You were never meant to fit in with your family, the status quo, and the “old” world, because your Soul have chosen you to be the one who steps forward to heal the generational wounds within your family lineage, to dismantle the old ways of doing things in the world, and to midwife in the New Earth that is trying to birth itself.

All that you’ve experienced, every dark night of the Soul moment that you’ve survived, and every step of your Shero’s journey has been leading up to this moment, this Ledge of Freedom that is your invitation to harness your courage and dive deep to access the parts of yourself that will no longer allow you to settle.

Welcome To “Transcendence Alchemy : Quantum Soul Mastery Path”

A Path to Inner Expansion, Quantum Creation and Your Soul Aligned Dream Life

Transcendence Alchemy: is a 6-month, 1:1 energetic empowerment, quantum alchemy, conscious creation, intuitive guidance and mentorship program for the spiritual seeker, female visionary or change maker who are ready to deepen and up-level their journey of self-discovery and soul mastery.

This program is designed to help you unlock your true potential, find clarity, and experience profound healing on all levels of your being.

You will be skillfully supported to enter a new level of consciousness that is your gateway to a life of transcendence, purpose, and fulfillment. You will be lovingly witnessed as you: Awaken the sacred power within, align with universal wisdom, and manifest your dreams with conscious intention. Your soul's deepest journey begins here.

If you’re reading this right now, I'm willing to bet you can relate…

Self-Limiting Patterns: Despite some inner shifts and expanded awareness, you may still find yourself repeatedly engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors or thought patterns like negative self-talk, self-doubt, or a fear of success that’s hindering progress and well-being.

Desire for Spiritual Growth: You have tapped into a deep inner knowing of a deep desire for spiritual growth and a connection to your higher self, and is seeking tools and practices to deepen your spiritual journey and tap into your intuitive abilities.

Seeking A Soul Aligned Path: Your’e ready to embark on a soul level journey with the support of a comprehensive program that addresses your well-being in a soul aligned way.

Skilled Guide and Mentor: You’d like to have a trusted guide, to support your intuitive awakening and to facilitate your access to higher realms and states of consciousness.

You’re ready to reclaim your power and play a bigger game. You have a deep calling to support many to truly remember themselves and access their fullest potential while actively participating in the evolution of our Planet.

Ready to Awaken your divine potential, embrace the wisdom of the ages, and manifest a life of profound purpose and fulfillment?

I know first hand what it’s like to:

  • Yearn to do and be “more”, but feel a distinct lack of Preparedness, Clarity, & Divine Power

  • Have a deep longing to know the underlying reason beneath your Soul's purpose highest purpose

  • Long for resonant answers to burning soul deep questions, and access your “Master Ancient Soul Tool Box”

  • Settle for playing small and not showing up fully, all the while knowing that there is so much that you're here TO DO!

  • Be So Ready for an Answer Now!

I’ve supported hundreds of women transform from settling and playing small, to confidently rising into their power, voicing their deepest truth, increasing their impact and living their Soul Aligned Life

And I can help you get there too.

Step Into Transcendence Alchemy. Walk The Path to Quantum Soul Mastery

Tap into Ancient Wisdom and Deepen Your Intuition

Unlock the extraordinary power of your intuition and tap into ancient wisdom. You will be guided to immerse yourself in a transformative experience that merges ancient wisdom with modern techniques, creating a powerful synergy that will revolutionize your relationship with intuition.

You will learn to confidently bridge the gap between the ethereal realm of intuition and the tangible world of action. You'll learn how to translate intuitive insights into practical steps, ensuring that your intuitive wisdom becomes a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and achieving tangible results in all areas of your life.

Imagine a life where you navigate with unwavering confidence, knowing that you possess the inner compass to guide you towards your highest purpose and greatest fulfillment.

Expand Your Awareness and Connect with the Quantum Field

Embark on a mind-expanding journey that expands your consciousness and connects you with the limitless possibilities of the quantum field. Discover how to transcend the boundaries of ordinary perception, tap into universal consciousness, and harness the quantum power that resides within you.

Tap into the power of the unseen realm to shape your reality, attract abundance, and manifest your deepest desires.

Discover the secrets of manifesting with quantum precision, as you learn to consciously co-create your reality, harnessing the power of intention and resonance to attract experiences, opportunities, and relationships that align with your highest vision.

Imagine a reality where you become an active participant in the quantum dance of creation.

Empower Your Soul's Evolution and Fulfill Your Life Purpose

Uncover the profound purpose encoded within your soul and align your life with its sacred calling. Tap into the depths of your being, discover your unique gifts, and unlock the potential to create a meaningful impact in the world.

This is a transformative journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and the manifestation of your soul's deepest desires. Unleash your inner potential, embrace your sacred calling, and create a life that reflects your true purpose.

You will be skillfully guided on a profound exploration of your inner landscape to gain clarity on your soul's purpose. Through soul level guidance, inner awakening and transformative practices, you will align your actions, values, and aspirations with the calling of your soul.

Ignite Conscious Creation and Manifest Your Dreams

Learn how to consciously create your reality by aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your deepest desires. Harness the universal and spiritual laws that govern manifestation and unlock the power to design a life of purpose, joy, and abundance. Transcendence Alchemy is a deeply transformative experience designed to empower you with the tools, techniques, and mindset necessary to manifest your dreams and design a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Be equipped to move beyond wishful thinking and take inspired action towards your dreams. Discover the sweet spot between intention and action, and learn how to leverage your creativity, resourcefulness, and intuition to co-create with the universe, amplifying your manifestation potential.

You will be provided with the tools you need to unleash your power, design your destiny, and manifest a life that surpasses your wildest dreams.

Is Transcendence Alchemy RightFor You?

Transcendence Alchemy: Soul Purpose Path is designed to meet you where you’re at, and take you to the next level.

Tailored Guidance:

This program will follow a highly customized blueprint, which offers personalized support and guidance throughout every step of your journey. I will be with you every step of the way intuitively understanding your unique needs, challenges, and goals. You will be provide the powerful tools and insights necessary to help you overcome obstacles and unleash your highest potential.

Soul Purpose Discovery:

You will be supported to uncover the true purpose and meaning of your life. Through deep listening to your soul’s wisdom, higher self guidance, intuitive insights, deep introspection and guided exercises, you will gain clarity about your soul's purpose and original divine blueprint, so that you can align your actions with your authentic self, and create a meaningful and fulfilling life that resonates with your deepest desires.

Energy Healing Alchemy:

Experience the power of quantum energy healing and conscious creation to restore balance and vitality to your mind, body, and spirit. Together we will identify and release energy blocks, clear stagnant patterns, dissolve lingering ancestral wounds, recode old energetic patterns and activate higher vibrational energy streams, allowing for profound healing, renewed energy, and expanded consciousness.

Transformational Tools:

Gain access to your specially curated Quantum Soul Mastery Toolkit” of alchemical transformational and evolutionary practices and techniques. From power visioning, element alchemy and quantum recalibration to visualization and affirmations, these powerful tools will empower you to cultivate self-awareness, manage stress, shift limiting beliefs, expand your consciousness and manifest your dreams with greater ease.

Holistic Integration And Embodiment:

This program emphasizes holistic integration, and embodiment, recognizing that you’re an integral part of Source Intelligence, your connection with all beings, realms, and dimensions, as well as the interconnectedness of all aspects of your being. By addressing your limitless nature, in addition to your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, you'll experience a holistic transformation that radiates throughout your life, relationships, and overall sense of well-being.

Lasting Results And Soul Level Alchemy:

The Transcendence:Alchemy: Soul Purpose Path Program is designed to facilitate lasting change while empowering to continue expanding personal and spiritual development long after the program concludes, ensuring sustained soul level shifts, life transformation and continued progress on your journey.

Transcendence Alchemy Benefits At a Glance:

  • Discover a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life.

  • Cultivate a stronger connection to your inner wisdom and intuition

  • Manifest your soul's desires and create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

  • Embrace personal empowerment and authentic self-expression.

  • Find clarity amidst life's challenges and make aligned decisions.

  • Create harmonious relationships and attract positive experiences.

  • Expand your awareness and tap into the infinite possibilities of the quantum field.

  • Experience profound spiritual growth and soul evolution.


Here’s What Others Are Saying About Their Experience:

"Working with Li-Sann, has been a life-changing experience for me. The program helped me reconnect with my spirituality, tap into my inner wisdom, and transform my life. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking soulful growth and personal empowerment." - Lynn R

"Since meeting Li-Sann and joining Transcendence Alchemy, my life has taken a remarkable turn. The profound teachings and practices have opened my eyes to new possibilities, and I now feel more aligned with my purpose than ever before." - Mishka A.

Here Is What’s Included:

18: 60-minute quantum energy healing, transformational alchemy training and intuitive coaching sessions, via Zoom (1x per week)

The Soul Purpose Pathway Blueprint: An e-guidebook that helps you gain greater clarity on your path, helps you refine your soul aligned guidance and support your implementation and integration process.

Mentoring by text or email to cheer you on, bring clarification, and witness your Aha moments during your program

Weekly soul work to guide and support you to ground deeper while you deepen and embody your gifts

A laser reflection before each session to assess your progress and identify where you need the greatest support

Loving accountability to stay on track, motivated, encouraged and inspired

Sacred soulful support to help you move beyond obstacles that would stop you, block you or slow you down as you Transcend the “ordinary” human experience, unleash your limitless potential and walk the path of your soul’s calling.

Embrace your sacred soul pathway and embark on a transformative journey towards personal empowerment, spiritual evolution, and the manifestation of your deepest desires. Sign up now and unlock the infinite potential within you.

Transcendence Alchemy: Sacred Soul Pathway is your gateway to a life of transcendence, purpose, and fulfillment. Awaken the sacred power within, align with universal wisdom, and manifest your dreams with conscious intention.

Your soul's journey begins here.

Over the years, I have sought Li-Sann’s guidance when I felt stuck and unable to move forward with my life’s decisions. She has consistently shown me how to push negative energy aside and find my way to a peaceful existence.” D.P

I’d Like To Show You How..