Awaken Your Inner Power:

Embark on a Journey of Mystical Alchemy

Mystica Alchemy Programs


Mystica Alchemy are 6, 9 or 12 month private and group mystical guidance and mentorship programs for female light workers, change makers, visionaries and entrepreneurs who want to confidently reclaim their ancient wisdom, step into their power, activate dormant great divine powers, raise the consciousness on our planet, and leave a lasting impact for generations to come.

Our revolutionary mystery school programs are designed to unlock your hidden potential and guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery. With a perfect blend of ancient alchemical wisdom, mysticism, multidimensional tools and resources combined cutting-edge techniques, our programs offer a truly unique and enchanting experience, empowering you to tap into the magic within.

I will be with you every step of the way, skillfully guiding you into multidimensional light realms where ancient wisdom meets modern techniques, where the mundane becomes extraordinary, and where you become the alchemist of your own life.

You will be lovingly witnessed to reclaim your ancient wisdom, embrace your true potential, awaken your inner magic, and live a life filled with wonder and enchantment.

Mystica Alchemy Programs Are For You If:


✔ Expand your influence into your life’s mission and highest calling

✔ Fully harness your inner strength, step into your power, embrace higher dimensional wisdom and support, manifest your dreams and create positive change

✔ Ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, and witness the profound impact it has on every aspect of your life

✔ Embrace the power of empowerment, confidently and courageously tap into your unique gifts, align with your purpose, and embrace your limitless potential

✔ Unlock your unlimited earning potential; discover how to align your soul's purpose, and create a harmonious balance between your spiritual and material aspirations

✔ Long for a deeply intuitive, mystical, wise, passionate, expert guide and loving collaborator to co-create with you, hold space for you, encourage you, and keep you accountable to your truest self and biggest vision so you can create the soul aligned life that you’re here to experience

Our Mystica Alchemy Programs are designed to empower female light workers, change makers, visionaries and entrepreneurs who are ready to embark on a journey of profound soul evolution, unleash the hidden depths of their being, unlock their true essence, and witness the miraculous transformation that occurs when they are supported to Activate Their Remembrance and authentically align their soul with its purpose.


I’m Passionate About Raising Consciousness On Our Planet, Activating Soul Level

Remembrance And Leaving a Legacy That Empowers And Uplift Women and Girls

Hi, I’m Li-Sann, and my highest calling and mission is devoted to helping women reclaim their ancient wisdom, elevate their voice and take their place as aligned leaders and change makers — not tethered to the long out grown models of wounded patriarchy, but in a new paradigm of divine feminine leadership. I believe as Sri Aurobindo said that “the salvation of humanity must, and will wear the crown of the feminine.”

To support the “fulfillment” of this “prophecy”, I am called to work with women on a spiritual path, to create their soul aligned lives and increase their impact in the world. I came into this life with the gift of prophecy, and clairvoyance, and always had the ability to connect with higher dimensional light beings and other realms. My personal remembrance journey in this lifetime has included studying indigenous teaching like shamanism, eastern mysticism, hermetic magic, and cutting edge modern technologies like quantum physics and neuroscience to name a few. 

I am proud to have been called “energetic lightening”, a “light alchemist”, and “the last stop” by many who has been on a long, winding spiritual path. It would be an honor to support your soul level remembrance. Let’s do this!

Continue Reading To Select The Program You’re Divinely Guided To!

"The Mystica Alchemy Programs have been a game-changer for me. Through soul evolution practices and the guidance of the supportive community, I have awakened to higher dimensions of awareness and unlocked my inner wisdom. This has translated into conscious decision-making and empowered choices in my personal and professional life." - R.M


Mystica Alchemy Programs are designed to meet you where you’re at, and take you to the highest levels of your evolution…

Benefits Of Mystica Alchemy Programs

Experience Soul Evolution - Ignite Your Inner Fire

Expand Your Consciousness and Align with Your Highest Self Embark on a profound journey of soul evolution, where you will delve into the depths of your being and uncover the wisdom and potential that resides within. Through expert intuitive, mystical guidance and support, you will step into the multidimensional realm of advanced energy healing, soul level activations, etheric temples of higher learning, cities of light, discovering stargates, etc where you will reclaim ancient wisdom, connect with guides, and gain new gifts and superpowers.

You will experience a profound shift in consciousness, through aligning with your highest self and expanding your awareness to higher dimensions. Witness the remarkable transformation that unfolds as you align with your soul's purpose and experience profound spiritual growth.

Unleash Your Empowerment - Embrace a Life of Transformation

Discover the Magic Within: Our Mystica Alchemy Programs are designed to empower light workers, change makers, and women entrepreneurs like you to tap into your innate power and create positive change in every aspect of your life. Unlock your true potential and embrace a life filled with abundance, success, and soulful empowerment.

Experience the true power of empowerment as you tap into your unique gifts, align with your purpose, and embrace your authentic self. Our Mystical Alchemy Programs provide you with the tools, guidance, and support to step into your power and create positive change in your life and the world around you. You will gain the confidence to make a lasting impact and manifest your dreams with clarity and conviction.

Embody Conscious Living - Align Your Spirit and Action

Walk Your Talk: We believe in conscious living that aligns your spiritual journey with your daily actions. Our Mystica Alchemy programs provide you with practical tools to integrate your newfound wisdom into all aspects of your life, creating harmony, fulfillment, and a true sense of purpose. Your very presence is meant to become a potent forcefield of the sacred in human form, and you will be supported fully to embody and walk confidently within this vibration.

Shift to Higher Dimensions - Explore the Infinite

Expand Your Awareness: Prepare to transcend the boundaries of ordinary existence and explore higher dimensions of consciousness. You will be provided you with the tools and teachings to awaken to the vast possibilities that await beyond the material world, leading to a heightened state of awareness and divine connection. Our Mystica Alchemy Programs provide a gateway to profound spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Through advanced practices and teachings, you will learn to access the realms beyond, tap into universal energies, and expand your awareness. Experience the bliss of unity with the divine and witness the profound impact it has on every aspect of your life.

Embrace Inner Awakening - Rediscover Your True Essence

As a change maker and light worker, you have the power to create abundance and financial freedom while staying aligned with your spiritual journey. Our Mystica Alchemy programs not only focus on personal and spiritual development but also provide practical strategies to unlock your unlimited earning potential. Discover how to align your soul's purpose with practical business strategies, attract prosperity effortlessly, and create a harmonious balance between your spiritual and material aspirations.

Unlock the secrets of manifestation mastery and harness the power of intention to create the abundant life you deserve. Experience the joy and fulfillment of effortlessly attracting opportunities, prosperity, and success into your life as you tap into the limitless potential of the universe.

Manifestation Mastery: Harness the Power of Intention and Attract Abundance

Awaken Your Inner Light: Experience a profound inner awakening as you delve into the depths of your being. Our programs empowers you to unlock your true essence and embrace the authenticity that lies within. Reconnect with your soul's purpose and embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and soulful living.


The Alchemy of Illumination- Activating the Golden Tree of Life Within

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Kabbalah Tree of Life:

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of spiritual evolution? The Alchemy of Illumination: Activating the Energetic Tree of Life Within, is a profound pathway to awaken your inner light and align with the ancient mystical principles of the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

Visit here for full details, secure your spot and begin your transformational journey towards a more vibrant, connected, and purposeful life. Remember, the power to unlock your true potential lies within you, and this program will guide you every step of the way!

Discover the Ancient Pathway to Empowerment and Soul Evolution

Are you ready to embark on a mystical journey of self-discovery and reclaim your inner sovereignty? We are delighted to unveil our newest program, the Pathway of the High Priestess: Returning to the Throne Room. This extraordinary program is designed to awaken the ancient archetype of the High Priestess within you, guiding you towards self-empowerment, intuitive wisdom, and divine feminine embodiment.

Visit here for full details, secure your spot and embark on a magical adventure of self-empowerment, intuition, and feminine wisdom. Remember, the throne room of your inner world awaits your return—step into your rightful place and embody the radiant power of the High Priestess!

Pathway of the High Priestess - Returning to the Throne Room!

The Pathway of Remembrance - Way of the Limitless Self

Unleash Your True Potential, Awaken Your Soul, and Embrace Limitless Possibilities

Have you been feeling an intangible call to go beyond the “limited” human experience and Remember that you are in fact so much more than that?.Are you ready to embark on a sacred journey of soulful evolution and discover the true extent of your limitless self? Look no further! We are thrilled to take you by the hand and skillfully activate your remembrance in The Pathway of Remembrance: Way of the Limitless Self. This exceptional program is designed to guide you on a profound path of self-realization, inner growth, and the unleashing of your limitless potential.

Visit here for full details, secure your spot and embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Remember, the path to the limitless self begins with a single step. It's time to unlock your true potential and embrace a life without boundaries.

"The Pathway Of Remembrance has been a truly transformative experience for me. Through the alchemical activations and ancient wisdom, I have shed old patterns, gained clarity on my purpose, and stepped into my power like never before. It's a journey of deep self-discovery that I highly recommend to anyone ready to embrace their limitless self." - Sarah H.


Pathway of the Divine Magician 1 - Mastering Cosmic Alchemy

Unleash the Power Within You. Awaken the Magician Within.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of magic and mysticism? Step into a world where you can harness the power of cosmic forces and unlock your true potential as a Divine Magician. We are thrilled to present our groundbreaking program that will take you on a mesmerizing path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Lets Talk For Full Details

Access the secrets of the universe within you! Embrace your destiny as a Divine Magician and become the architect of your own reality. Together, let's create a world filled with wonder, possibility, and infinite magic!

Pathway of the Divine Magician 2 - Mastering Galactic Alchemy

Step into the Cosmic Realm. Embrace Your Galactic Potential.

Are you ready to take your magical journey to the next level and explore the cosmic depths of the galaxy? Step into a realm where celestial forces and universal energies converge, and discover the secrets of Galactic Alchemy. We are thrilled to present our revolutionary program that will empower you to transcend boundaries and manifest your dreams on a cosmic scale.

Lets Talk For Full Details

Unlock the infinite possibilities of the cosmos within you! Embrace your destiny as a cosmic magician and shape the fabric of the universe with your magical prowess. Together, let's transcend the limitations of Earth and explore the cosmic wonders that await us!

The Pathway of Oneness - Mastering Universal Alchemy

Reclaim the Power of Oneness. Transcend Boundaries. Embrace Cosmic Unity.

Are you ready to reconnect with and reclaim your deepest truth?One that transcends boundaries and unites you with the very fabric of the universe? Step into a realm where all divisions dissolve, and experience the power of Universal Alchemy. We are thrilled to present our groundbreaking program that will empower you to master the art of Oneness and manifest profound transformations in your life and beyond.

Lets Talk For Full Detail

Reclaim the transformative power of the universe within you! Embrace your destiny as a cosmic alchemist and become a catalyst for positive change. Together, let's awaken to the truth of our interconnectedness and co-create a world of harmony, love, and unity!

This program has transformed my understanding of myself and the cosmos. The ancient wisdom and galactic teachings have ignited a deep remembrance within me, guiding my soul evolution on a cosmic scale." - David


The Creation Codes: Mastering The Multiverse

Step into the Realm of Infinite Possibilities. Transform Your Reality.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of creation and shape your reality in ways you've only dreamed of? Step into the realm of infinite possibilities and harness the power of The Creation Codes. We are thrilled to present our groundbreaking program that will empower you to become a master of the multiverse and manifest your desires with precision and intention.

Lets Talk For Full Details:

Tap into the infinite power that lies within you! Embrace your role as a conscious creator and manifest your dreams into reality. Together, let's step into the realm of infinite possibilities and become masters of our destiny and the multiverse!

Discover the Secrets of Mystica Alchemy. Transform Your Reality.