Celebrating The Sacred Union Within: The Alchemical Marriage



Part 1: Celebrating The Sacred Union Within: The Alchemical Marriage

7 Nights, 8 Days: October 21 - 27th, 2023. (Depart October 28th)


Part 2: Celebrating The Divine Child: The Alchemical Birth

3 Nights, 4 Days: October 28 - 30th, 2023. (Depart October 31st)

She was called; “The Beloved Companion”, “Prophet of the Prophets”, “Mary of Magdala”, but to many of us she is simply, Our Lady.

The ancient lineage of beloved Mary Magdalene is alive today in the heart of France, Aix en Provence, where she is known to have taught the path of true love. Just by entering the grotto in the mountains where she lived, you feel her sweet fragrance and strong embrace.

Further along, at the mountain crest is the secret egg cave, the place of initiation and rebirth. Hidden from the public eye is where her transmission and presence are as powerful as if you are standing right next to her. 

Here her original teachings are revealed to the one who has “eyes to see and ears to hear.” If you are open and prepared you’ll receive a profound initiation into the feminine in the dark chamber of the womb.

The forest surrounding the area is intensely alive with seen and unseen beings, you feel the magic and peace just by walking through. This living sanctuary is for awakening and rooting into the deep feminine, to merge with the powerful, primal force of life, the Shakti.

And to surrender into true love all the way, so we can rise in a world that needs us now – embodied and in full.

Li-Sann Mullings & Veronique Flayol invites you toMystical France

Join Li-Sann Mullings and Veronique Flayol for an unforgettable journey as we follow in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, activate within ancient prehistoric power vortexes, recalibrate within the sites of miraculous apparitions, connect with The Mother Divine in two of her aspects as Mother Mary and The Black Madonna, and walk the Path of Love taught by Mary Magdalene.

We will encounter the living myths, traditions and legacy of “The Beloved Companion” and other friends of Jesus, and connect to the sites of their preaching and teaching in the elegant  Roman city of Aix en Provence.

We will meander through the forest of Artemis up the majestic mountain of La Sainte Baume to the cave where legend claims Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life in contemplative prayer and experience a deep inner stillness while connecting to ancient tree beings that are inexplicably unique to this mystical forest

In medieval times, royals and nobles came here to visit this remote cliff sanctuary and make the pilgrimage up the hill. So popular was this act of devotion to Mary Magdalene that a “Royal Road” was created to make the ascent easier.

This will be a deeply nourishing, transformative experience, where you will be powerfully guided and supported to reclaim your divinity and sovereignty while being witnessed and held in a wholesome, organic way. With every single step you weave the alchemical path of Sacred Self Love with power, presence and playfulness!

During this special time, you are invited to experience how Human and Divine are united, how the Feminine is enlivened and liberated, how the Masculine regains wholeness, and that loving union becomes real and embodied through you. All parts of you are welcome and can come home within a circle of Illuminated Ones, who are devoted to truth, to her, and to the evolution of our planet.

You will receive powerful rites and activations to support your deep transformation, embodiment and soul evolution.

This is an intimate evolutionary journey for a small group of 15 people, who wish to drink deeply of the beauty of the historical sites, ancient power vortexes, miraculous apparitions healing sites, potent streams of grace from The Divine Mother, the transformative potential of the spiritual practices associated with Mary Magdalene, and alchemical activations, while connecting with nature, with the elements and with each other.

Scenes From Our Sacred Journey….

  • Mary Magdalene's Bascilica

    Our Journey Begins here, we will have an opening of sacred space with a special heart centered meditation, and a dedication of our intentions for our journey, as we light candles in the crypt.

  • Tholos. Ancient Power Vortex

    We will connect with our ancient lineage streams in high ceremony. The tomb is over 4000 years old (at least as old as the pyramids of Egypt). It was built in 2500 and 2000 BC, it is the beginning of the Bronze Age and the worship of ancestors.

  • Saint Maximin

    Our home base for part 1, in the southeastern French department of Var, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. The town lies at the foot of the Sainte-Baume mountains. Baume or bama is the Provençal equivalent of cave. The town's basilica is dedicated to Mary Magdalene.

Meet Your Retreat Leader

 Hi, I’m Li-Sann and I am on a soul mission to activate and empower sacred women to rise into their highest level of self mastery and soul evolution.

I came into this incarnation with gifts of clear seeing, prophecy, and healing touch, and could always see and communicate with multidimensional light beings, like Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Master Saint Germaine.

I also “saw” very clearly the “perfection” of this earth plane, underneath the veil of illusion, and has dedicated the last 30 years of my life to activate people’s remembrance, so that they can break free of all “illusions” and experience “heaven on earth” within themselves and their lives.

I am a quantum alchemist, multidimensional channel, Shaman, and the divine custodian of The Temple Of Alchemy And Illumination, an etheric healing/rejuvenation temple & Ancient Mystery School, where I intertwine the divine knowledge with ancient mystical esoteric wisdom like; Hermetic principles, Shivaite tantra, Kabbalah, Shamanic energy medicine, esoteric philosophy, psycho spiritual dynamics and plant alchemy to support those on the Earth plane who are ready to reconnect with their soul’s original blueprint and access their deep wisdom & gifts curated throughout countless lifetimes.

I have a Soul deep connection to the Alchemy of Ancient Egypt, especially to the plant alchemy held strongly in Edfu Temple. 15 years ago I began receiving a series of light language messages from my teacher Thoth, during which he activated my remembrance of the pivotal past life role I had played as a master alchemist in gifting the medicine room at Edfu Temple to the people of Ancient Egypt.

Shortly after I began receiving a series of downloaded formulas 13 “Elixirs Of Light”, which quickly gained popularity within my client community.

The “Formulas Of Life” was my second round of alchemy creations and there are now over 88 available within different collections. These sacred formulas weaves a powerful field of energetic light codes within people, and has been called “the essence of the Divine in liquid form.” and so much more!

It is my greatest honor and joy to welcome you to this alchemical, evolutionary journey. To fulfill a promise to our Lady Magdalene, I made many years ago while kneeling in her grotto at Saint Baume, she asked me to bring others to her, so that she can teach them to embody the Way Of Love, so that they in turn could freely share that gift with the World.

Meet Our Guide

My name is Véronique Flayol; my friends call me Roni. I am a lecturer specializing in pilgrimages and spiritual tours and a certified aromatherapist. I was born in Provence and since my youngest age, I have a special devotion to Mary Magdalene.

A descendant of an old Provençal family and deeply attached to my origins, I have been involved for many years in the Association Santo Madaleno that upholds the traditions of Provence and the cult of St. Mary Magdalene.

Every year, I organize the Feast of Mary Magdalene in Saint Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume where she is buried. In 2008 I created my own tour company to share my love for her.

In 2017, I passed my certification of aromatherapist to be able to work with the plants and the energy properties of the essential oils, a way to get closer and better understand the lineage of myrrh-bearing women of which Mary Magdalene was part.

More than the Apostle to the Apostles, I would say that Mary Magdalene is an Apostle of Love and the more I study and seek her, the more I discover a beautiful woman. From this passion is born this spiritual journey.

Day 1 : Saturday, October 21, Arrival. Check In. Mary Magdalene Visit. Welcome Dinner.

We will begin our sacred journey at Saint Maximin, with a visit to St Mary Magdalene’s Basilica.

This grand Romanesque cathedral, was built in 1295 to house the relics of Mary Magdalene, it is considered the most beautiful Gothic church in Provence.

Here we will have an opening of sacred space with a special heart centered meditation, and a dedication of our intentions for our journey, as we light candles in the crypt.

You will then have the opportunity to reflect in front of the relics of Magdalene in the crypt. This will be a moment of an intimate and individual « meeting » with Mary Magdalene to drop an intention and receive a message from her.

The proximity of the shrine always raises a lot of emotion.

A welcome dinner follows.

Day 2 : Sunday, October, 22 : Tholos la Lauve + Perfume Workshop.

On this ancient, mystical power vortex, while connecting with our ancestors & the ancient lineage of this land, with a breathtaking 360° view, and, surrounded by aromatic Mediterranean vegetation.

We will have an Ayni Despacho Ceremony to release old contracts, restore harmony, and open powerful energetic streams of abundance and possibilities for our lives.

The Lauve Tholos dates from the end of the Neolithic period. Today it looks like a circle of stones, in a fragrant forest of cistus and rosemary.

This tomb is over 4000 years old (at least as old as the pyramids of Egypt). It was built in 2500 and 2000 BC, it is the beginning of the Bronze Age and the worship of ancestors.

Anointing Oils / Perfume Workshop: with Veronique (certified in aromatherapy – Energetic aromatherapy – olfactory meditation).

In this workshop, you will learn more about the history of perfume and anointing, Mary Magdalene and her knowledge on the virtues of the plants and how to have the benefit of the incredible power of the oils. You will compose your own anointing oil to support your process, to pay tribute to Mary Magdalene.

Day 3 - Monday, October, 23: Abbaye Valsaintes 

 Perched at a height of 600 m in the middle of a vast natural bowl, the abbey of Valsaintes watches over a land which has been sacred since Prehistoric times. The Dragon rock, guardian of the promontory of Boulinette, broods its eggs as it watches over the valley of Valsaintes.

Here you will feel deeply grounded and supported by potent energy of The Dragon Rock and its siliceous soil, which make this unique site in Provence, and a place for going back to one’s ancient roots while regaining vitality.

Today, while being held in this safe & supportive energy, you will receive The Wisdom Keepers Rite, a powerful third eye activation to deepen intuition and reconnect you to your most ancient wisdom.

Day 4 - Tuesday, October, 24: Cotignac, The Place Of The Apparitions

We will explore the sensual wonders of the morning market in the small French village of Cotignac: the wafting fragrance of roses, lavender and lilies, the colorful trays of exotic spices, stalls of beautiful handmade soap, scarves and jewelry. 

In true Provencal style, we will gather some food in the market to share a picnic at the Sanctuary Notre Dame de Grâces where the Virgin Mary appeared to a woodcutter twice, on August 10 and 11, 1519.

After a meditation in the Magdalene’s crypt, we will leave to St Joseph's Monastery, on the other side of the hill where Joseph appeared on June 7, 1660.

Here you will have an opportunity to taste the water of the spring, symbol of Joseph’s  miracle.

Here in sacred ceremony under the auspices of Saint Joseph Mother Mary’s earthly beloved and AA Rafael her twin flame, you will be guided in an activation to invite your inner Sacred Masculine to reclaim his balanced, protective power, and wholeness.

Day 5 - Wednesday, October, 25 : St Michel du Var Orthodox Monastery

Morning at leisure; integrating, exploring the local market or spending time with Mary Magdalene at the Basilica.


In the afternoon, we will discover Mary Magdalene in the Orthodox Tradition.

The Saint Michel du Var monastery was built in 1982 and its location was chosen after the miraculous vision of the icon of the Virgin Mary. It has a contemplative vocation and has a relic of St Mary Magdalene in the crypt where we can gather in prayer.

Here you will connect with a potent frequency of Joy, which radiates from inside the church thanks to the beautiful frescoes by Vadim Garine, honoring Mary Magdalene and her red mantle of compassion.

Today held in the loving energies of Divine Mother Mary, and “The Beloved Companion” Mary Magdalene, you will be guided through an activation to invite your Inner Divine Feminine to reclaim her full radiance, tenderness, and receptivity.

Day 6 - Thursday, October, 26 : … Aix en Provence, Black Madonna And Diana’s Temple

Black Madonna, Notre-Dame-de-l’Espérance

We will encounter the Black Madonna known as  "Our Lady of Hope". She is carrying the Infant Jesus and a dog is lying at her feet.

Free time to stroll around the colorful open air market + lunch by your own. You will have time to wander the Medieval alleys laden with flower markets, gorgeous  linens, enticing cheeses and chocolates. 

Day 7 - Friday, October 27: Mary Magdalene’s Grotto at St.Baume Mountain.

Today we journey high  into the mountains where Mary Magdalene spent the last thirty years of her life as a hermit in contemplation. After a sacred circle intention, we will enter the  mystical "Forest of Silence"  (dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis for 700 yeas before Magdalene's arrival)  and then ascend the pilgrim path walked by centuries of seekers, arriving  after about an hour at the Grotto.

Inside this cave, a sense of  deep timelessness awaits. 

After spending private time with her, we will gather in Sacred Ceremony to receive The Initiation Of The Rose (by choice) directly from her, followed by The Alchemical Marriage Activation under her direct guidance.

Part 1: Celebration Dinner! and Bon Voyage!

Day 7 - Friday, October 27th: Celebration Dinner!

Day 8 - Saturday, October 28th: Bon Voyage. Morning departure as our coach will transport us to arrive at Marseille airport by 10 am. Please try to schedule your return journeys in the afternoon to allow yourself sufficient time.

Welcome To Celebrating The Divine Child: The Alchemical Birth!


October 28 - 30th, 2023

We begin this stage of our sacred journey at the waters of Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, which is one of the most emblematic towns in Southern France. It was the place, where Mary Jacobe, Mary Salome and Mary Magdalene landed after their flight from Palestine.

We will weave a path of “new birth” supported by the waters present all along our journey, including a day spent under the water at Rennes Le Bains (The Seat if Isis) as we walk the path of our Alchemical Birth.

Our time together culminates within the Light filled grotto of Mother Mary Of Lourdes for a closing activation under her loving eyes.

As we follow the trail of life - the sacred waters - there will be a sense of being birthed over and over again within the great womb of Gaia.

You Will Be Supported And Held Every Step Of The Way, To Gracefully And Ease Fully “Midwife” In This Illuminated New Version Of You!

The Path We Will Be Weaving…

Day 8 - Saturday, October 28th: Les Saintes Maries de la Mer & Carcassonne

We will begin this stage of our journey to the miraculous waters where Mary Magdalene and the 2 Maries (Salome and Jacobe) came to France from Palestine.

Within the Basilica of Saint Sara, the Black Madonna we will light candles, and experience the potent feeling of being held in her loving, fierce, protective care.

Here you will reconnect once again with the deepest knowing of yourself as the cherished child of The Great Mother.

We will then journey to Carcassonne to experience the feeling of stepping back into a medieval timeline!

Day 9 - Sunday, October 29: Rennes les Bains (seat of Isis)

You’ll first experience the old Roman baths at the Bains Doux - the hot spring, and then within the thermal and hot waters of this powerful birthing portal, we will spend “A day under the sign of water”.

A potent Creator of life energy flows here, it springs, flows, sings in all form. A feeling of new life, abundance, flow and overflow abounds here.

This entire area is full of energies reminiscent of Celtic/Druid history.

From here we will hike to the Seat of Isis and Magdalene spring to bask in this powerful alchemical energy while enjoying a picnic.

You will participate in a water ceremony to honor life and your role on the web of all life, while seeding an intention to supercharge your dreams, goals and desires to facilitate their “birth” into your life.

Day 9 - Sunday, October 29: Limoux

This afternoon we visit Notre Dame de Marceille at Limoux.

This Black Madonna is one of Veronique’s favorite….(you’re in for a treat)

Here we will light candles, and offer up for her support and creation alchemy, our sacred intention seeded within the waters of Rennes les Bains

Day 10 - Monday October 30th: Lourdes

On this last day of our sacred journey together, you will have a true sense of a benediction, a remembrance of yourself that you will walk forward with in a deeply profound new way.

We will spend a full day immersed in the gentle loving energies of Mother Mary, so powerfully felt within her basilica, grotto - the apparition site - and the town itself. A potent feeling of pure unconditional love can be felt streaming directly from her heart to yours.

Have an opportunity to taste the “miraculous” holy water that her grotto is famous for.

Under her benevolent gaze we will light candles, join in sacred circle, to connect with her illuminated heart, and receive a powerful heart attunement blessing.

We will visit the Bernadette’s house where you will experience a feeling of timelessness, and wonder as you imagine that humble girl who lives on as a powerful symbol of grace and miracles…

Part 2: Celebration Dinner! and Bon Voyage!

Day 10 - Monday, October 30th: Celebration Dinner!

Day 11 - Tuesday October 31st: Bon Voyage. Morning departure as our coach will transport us to arrive at Toulouse airport by 10 am. Please try to schedule your return journeys in the afternoon to allow yourself sufficient time.

Part 1: Included In Your Sacred Journey

Price includes:

 -Tour guidance by Veronique Flayol and mystical teachings about each site for deeper immersion.

- Ceremonial alchemical activations, channeled transmissions for deep release, and remembrance, Ayni Despacho shamanic ceremony, higher dimensional rites and initiations, heart connection recalibration, cellular matrix alignment activation within the ancient Ley and grid lines.

- 7 nights accommodation with breakfast in charming, boutique hotel in a single occupancy room with private bath, tourist tax and energy compensation included.

- 2 lunches.

- Opening and closing dinners at Saint Maximin.

- All entrance fees to abbeys, monasteries and museums.

- Perfume Workshop with Veronique Flayol

- Air conditioned luxury bus transport services for day trips.

- Group transportation to and from Marseille airport.

- 4 monthly pre-pilgrimage sacred circle on zoom, which includes guided journeys, for optimal preparation.

- 1 post retreat sacred circle to support your integration and deepening process.

- We have carefully curated this once in a lifetime Sacred Journey to Mystical France to support your next level of personal growth, expansion and evolution at this time.

- Act Fast. Space is limited! - from a 2 year waitlist + past retreat participants!

- Scroll down below and reserve your spot by completing the booking form. Payment details will follow immediately.

- Please plan your arrival time for pickup at Marseille Airport on Saturday, October 21st @ 2pm!

- Please see below for departure time details.

- We look forward to sharing this Epic Mystical Journey of Soul Alchemy, Remembrance, and Mastery with you!

Not Included In Your Sacred Journey

Part 1 - Not Included:

 - International Airfare to and from France.

- Five lunches/ Four dinners.

- Room service, laundry service, souvenir and shopping.

- $160 (per person part 1) gratuity for our Guide.

Part 2: Included In Your Sacred Journey

Price includes:

 -Tour guidance by Veronique Flayol and mystical teachings about each site for deeper immersion.

- Ceremonial alchemical activations, and rituals.

- 3 nights accommodation in charming boutique hotel in a single occupancy room with private bath, tourist tax and energy compensation included.

- 2 lunches.

- Celebration dinner in Lourdes.

- All entrance fees to abbeys, monasteries and museums.

- Air conditioned luxury bus transport services for day trips.

- Group transportation to Toulouse airport.

- Please book your flight home in the afternoon. 10am departure to Toulouse airport.

- Scroll down below and reserve your spot by completing the booking form. Payment details will follow immediately.

- We look forward to sharing this Epic Mystical Journey of Soul Alchemy, Remembrance, and Mastery with you!

Not Included In Your Sacred Journey

Part 2 - Not Included:

 - International Airfare to and from France.

- 2 breakfast, 1 lunch, 2 dinners.

- Room service, laundry service, souvenir and shopping.

- $75 (per person) gratuity for our Guide.

Price Per Person Parts 1 & 2

Price Per Person Part 1

$5333 U.S per person. Single occupancy. Early bird special.

$5533 after April 15th

Payment Schedule:

Deposit due on booking: $1333

2nd payment due by June 1st, 2023: $2000

3rd and final payment due by August 5th, 2023: $2000

Price Per Person Part 2 - Optional Occitania Extension

$1444 U.S per person. Single occupancy. Early bird special.

$1666 U.S after April 15th

Payment schedule:

Deposit due on booking: $444

2nd payment due by June 1st. 2023: $500

3rd and final payment due by August 5th, 2023: $500

Reserve Your Spot Now!

To Book: Complete And Submit The Booking Form Below!

Booking will be done through Li-Sann Mullings

Please complete and submit the booking form below.

Once you have submitted the booking form, you will be sent information on how to pay the deposit for the tour. All payments can be made by Zelle or Venmo (preferred) or priority mail check.

Please note that in unavoidable circumstances the schedule as described may alter but we will aim to undertake all the tours and visits as described. We strongly encourage you to purchase private travel insurance for this tour.

Cancellation Policy:

Non refundable deposit.

Cancellation costs 100 days before departure of the trip: 50% of the total invoice - less deposit.

Cancellation costs from 75 days up to the day of departure: costs of the total invoice